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The tourism capital of the tropical north, Cairns is the gateway to hundreds of trips, tours and activities. A Cairns car rental is the perfect way to reach the many local attractions and Bargain Wheels is an established provider of competitively priced rental cars to service the Cairns region.

The colourful, sophisticated capital of North Queensland, Cairns is alive with life and charm, a mix of the new and historical past. Warm northern hospitality, enthusiasm and a laid back lifestyle are the order of the day and your cheap car hire from BargainWheels will be handy as you explore the region.

Being a large touristy town means that Cairns will either have a restaurant, eatery, cafe or take away that will suit every palate and budget. Use your rental car and you can access some scrumptious cuisines including – Local Fresh Seafood, Italian, Chinese, Greek and more.  There are many family-friendly restaurants also that will keep the kids happy along with the normal fast food outlets if you need to eat on the run.

Ochre Restaurant – This swanky place offers top-shelf cuisine that you can really sink your teeth into. Specialising in fresh local seafood, Australian game and native bush tucker with a sophisticated twist you will not be disappointed in the food. You may even take the opportunity to leave the hire car at the hotel and walk off some of the amazing food you will have here. Just pop in and see what all the fuss is about,  you will not regret it.

La Fettuccina Restaurant – Cooking fresh regional and traditional Italian food is their expertise.  With relaxed surroundings you can be sure to enjoy a night out with the family here.

China Palace Restaurant – This great place to eat is in the heart of Cairns on Abbott Street. Yum Cha is available daily and you can also order your favourite Chinese dishes. The family-friendly atmosphere allows you to sit down and enjoy a meal together.  There is parking available so do not hesitate to drive your hire car.

Salt House Restaurant – Nestled right in on the tip of the Pier Point, this beautiful restaurant has an atmosphere, style, and food that just screams fine dining. The Salt House is one of the coolest hangouts on the Marina and has views to die for. If you are partial to fresh seafood, summer is the best time to drive your car hire over for an experience of a lifetime.

Great Barrier Reef – This is a unique wonderland in Australia because it is all under water. You can explore either by boat or by diving in head first, literally.  There are many tour operators that can make sure you enjoy a Great Barrier Reef experience.

Cape Tribulation Horse Riding – Have you ever imagined riding a horse along a beautiful beach with waves rolling in on one side and the beautiful backdrop of the Daintree Forest on the other.  You can make your dream come true at Cape Tribulation.  All you have to do is jump in your hire car and drive north.  It is a good 2-hour drive away, but the opportunity is a once in a lifetime.

Cruises – Why not take a leisurely cruise to help relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings and atmosphere that Cairns has to offer.  You can take a day cruise or opt for a longer cruise that spans over a few days.  It is entirely up to you.

Bungy Jumping – Take a leap of faith in paradise.  This is an extreme past time that will get the blood running.  The view of Cairns will definitely be from a different angle.

Because Cairns is the doorway to the Great Barrier Reef, the Daintree Forest and Upper North Queensland, accommodation can be found to suit most tastes.  Caravan Parks are a great place to stay as a family as there are usually some great open spaces for the kids to explore.  If a romantic getaway is the plan, then opt for a 5star Hotel to really be pampered.  There are many other options in between for accommodation in Cairns that will be reliant on the budget and also the reason for visiting Cairns.

Ellis Beach – Located 30 mins north of Cairns City, Ellis Beach is definitely away from the hustle and bustle and a great idea to enjoy a whole day of relaxing in the sun. A cafe and bar is close by and also some accommodation that will provide waterfront holidaying.

Trinity Beach – This beach is only 15 mins from Cairns Airport and is very popular with tourists and locals.  It stretches over 1 km and offers golden warm sand and Palm trees to entice you.  Like it so much and you can book into accommodation near Trinity Beach.

Yorkys Knob – One of the popular tourist beaches and it is also popular with the locals. Book a hire car and enjoy a day at the beach that is based on your own time and not a bus schedule.

With its warm tropical climate and access to the Great Barrier Reef and the beautiful Atherton Tableland, Cairns is popular with visitors year round. Although often commented that the rainy season is too wet to do anything, most of the locals tell you that because it is still nice and warm, you just need to put on a T-shirt and do whatever it is that you would normally do. Rain or shine there are still many great activities to enjoy.

For the independent traveller, a Cairns car hire makes possible day trips to the surrounding attractions as well as trips further afield. Whether your preference is armchair comfort and adrenalin rush adventure, Cairns and the surrounding areas have something for every taste and every budget.